- Not for profit
- Health and wellbeing
- Brand strategy
- Brand identity
Te Tahi Youth is a one-stop shop that provides health services and social support for youth. Formerly known as 298 Youth Health, they needed a new name and brand identity to take them into the future. We took a bi-cultural approach to the name blending reo Māori and reo Pākehā. Te Tahi Youth was chosen for its link to the tagline ‘Everything you need in one place.’
The brand identity needed to appeal to young people but also be sophisticated enough to talk to donors and other youth services. We ultimately decided it best not to overcomplicate a brand for people whose lives are already complex. However a life that desires simplicity in no way equates with being dull.
The colour palette is eccentric whilst honest, combining bright yellow and pink to evoke feelings of naivety and energy; and we used shape psychology to represent the individuality of youth. And the Te Tahi Youth’s icon is inspired by an embrace combined with a face bearing an ambiguous expression; something that reflects the audience. It’s the embodiment of emotion and action and a representation of Te Tahi Youth.