- Transport
- Construction and trades
- Videography and photography
- Digital marketing
- Media planning and buying
- Campaigns
HWR is New Zealand's largest privately owned transport-related group. With 48 brands to staff, everyday operations and future growth depend on recruitment. So they built a new talent pipeline by targeting 16 to 25 year olds.
It was the big recruitment drive of 2022 – a time when it seemed every business was advertising for staff. And nobody seemed to be standing out. Competition for the limited available talent pool is fierce and on top of this, desktop research and audience interviews told us the campaign needed to connect quickly and authentically, and remove as many barriers to application as possible.
The creative was designed to make the audience believe, “I can see myself working at HWR.” Their personal identity is of high value and hair is a key expression of it so we used mullets as the message that you can be yourself with HWR.